Hector Arena
9:00 am 4-H Livestock Judging Competitions
10:15 am 4-H Goat Conformation and Showmanship
11:15 am 4-H Sheep Conformation and Showmanship
11:15 am 4-H Cavy Conformation and Showmanship
11:45 am 4-H Rabbit Conformation and Showmanship
1:00 pm 4-H Beef Conformation and Showmanship
4-H Dairy Conformation and Showmanship
2:30 pm 4-H Grand Champion Livestock Showmanship
3:30 pm Cow Patty Bingo
4:00 pm 4-H Fun Tug of War
5:30 pm 4-H Parade and Awards Presentation
7:00 pm Exhibition Official Opening
7:30 pm Little Miss Exhibition Pageant
8:00 pm P.N.C.Ex. Queen Pageant
Legacy Building
10:00 am 4-H Photography, Craft & Woodworking
Outside Show Arena
4:00 pm Miniature Horse Barrels #1
4:15 pm Miniature Horse Poles #1
4:30 pm Smallfry Barrels
4:45 pm Smallfry Poles
Lower Show Area
7:00 pm Burnout Competition
(Motorcycles & Street Vehicles)
TBA Musical Entertainment