Mini Horse Entry Form & Info


Open to purebred miniature horses 38” and under

Please mail entries to: Box 773, Pictou, NS, B0K 1H0 or email to

Etransfer can be sent to
Chairperson: Patricia Wilson

1. Proof of NSEF Liability Insurance Must Be Provided with Entry Form!
2. All fees for entries & stalls MUST accompany entry forms. NO PHONE ENTRIES, PLEASE. NO POST-
DATED CHEQUES, PLEASE! Entries are to be posted-marked no later than August 25th. Please see Miniature
Horse chairperson or committee member when you arrive on the grounds to enter any additional classes. All post
entries must be paid for at least one hour before the class is scheduled or you will not be permitted to enter. NO
EXCEPTION.! The fee for post entries is $7 per class.
3. Miniature horses must remain on the grounds until 5pm on Sunday. Any exhibitor that leaves before this time will
forfeit all prize monies and may be denied entry the following year. Horses shown in line classes only, must be
hauled in and out. Gated stalls in the draft horse barn will be given to miniatures showing in harness classes first.
Stall fee is $20.
4. It is advisable that all entrants be immunized within the last six months and at least one month prior to the show.
Any animal which appears ill in the opinion of a veterinarian will be asked to leave the grounds.
5. Entry fees will be refunded upon receipt of valid doctor’s or veterinarian’s certificate.
6. Horses showing in Stake Classes must be shown in at least 2 other miniature classes.
7. All prize money will be forfeited if stalls are left unclean at the end of the show.
8. The PCNC EX cannot be held responsible for any loss or inquiry to horses and/or rider’s and/or equipment and
9. Exhibitors are expected to be on time for classes. THE SCHEDULE IS A GUIDE ONLY AND SUBJECT TO
CHANGE. However, classes will not be run before their scheduled time.
10. As a courtesy, please inform the chairperson and the announcer if you are to scratch from a class. Refunds will
not be given for scratches.
11. All exhibitors under the age of 19 will be required to wear a helmet when driving.
12. Anyone interfering with the judge’s decision (before, during or after a class) will forfeit all prize money and may
be banned the following year. No exhibitor or family/friend may approach the judge directly with questions or
comments. This may be done through the miniature horse Chairperson on behalf of the exhibitor.
13. Ribbons will be awarded for 6 placings. Prize monies will be paid as follows:
1st- $10.00, 2 nd - $9.00, 3 rd - $8.00, 4 th - $7.00, 5 th - $6.00, 6 th - $5.00
Stake money will be paid on the following percentages:
1 st - 30%, 2 nd - 25%, 3 rd - 20%, 4 th - 15%, 5 th - 5%, 6th – 5%
14. Trailer hook-ups and exhibitor passes must be obtained at the main office. If trailer hookup is required, please
indicate on the entry form. Trailer parking is limited.
Office Fee (per horse) - $10.00
Classes - $5.00
Stake Classes - $10.00
Stalls - $20.00
Trailer Hook-up - $20.00/day or $80.00/week
There is no charge for ring numbers. If you have your own number, please indicate on your entry form. If you don’t
have own number, one will be provided.


1. Pleasure Driving: Entries to be shown both ways of the arena at a walk, collected trot and a working trot. Horse
will enter the ring counter-clockwise and immediately pick up a collected trot. Horses will be required to stand
quietly and to rain back.
2. Pleasure Driving Stake: Open to all entries that pay a stake fee of $10.00 per entry. Same requirements as
Pleasure Driving above.
3. Roadster Class: Roadsters shall be shown to a bike: horse will enter the ring clockwise and immediately pick up
a collected jog. Horses shall be asked to show at a jog trot, road gait, and at a full extended drive on trot. To be
judged on performance, speed, quality and manners. Horses will not be asked to rein back.
4. Barrel racing: This is timed event. Will be required trot through a clover leaf pattern around 3 barrels or cones. A
five second penalty for each break in gait after the first.
5.. Barrel racing #2
6. Pole Bending: This is a timed event. Will be required to trot through a pole bending pattern around pylons or
poles. Five second penalty for each break in gait.
7. Pole Bending #2
8. Obstacle Course In Hand: Horses to be led through a course of obstacles. Min of 5 max of 8. Course will be
posted prior to class. Judged 100% on manner of the horse’s performance doing each obstacle. 60 second time limit
to complete each obstacle, 3 refusals calls for a disqualification. Class maybe timed.
9. Versatility Class: 1 st is the pleasure portion of the class. Driven & judged as a pleasure class. At lineup, grooms
are called in to hold horses. You will then unharness with a 2 min time limit, then grooms exit with the equipment.
Entries will compete in the halter phase, which is followed by a hunter portion, consisting of 2 jumps only.
10. Turnout Class: Horses to enter the ring at a collected trot. To be judged at the walk and collected trot both ways
of the arena. Entries will line up and be judged on cleanliness and fit of harness and cart: grooming of horse and
dress of driver, 60% turnout and 40% performance
11. Halter Mares: Judged on conformation at halter.
12. Halter Geldings: Judged on conformation at halter.
13. Showmanship

Miniature Horses may also enter light horse costume class.